
La Farinera



The latest edition of Wall Claim revolves around the idea of improving the quality of the air we breathe. As the 7th of September is the International Day of Clean Air for a blue sky, from the 13th until the 15th of the same month, the exterior mural of Centre Cultural La Farinera del Clot has been renewed. Since 2020, Barcelona started celebrating this date to make the efforts that have been made to improve air quality visible.

In this occasion, the artist Maga has been chosen to renew the wall painting. Bicycles as the alternative way of transportation are the focus of the piece, emphasizing in the necessity to create more cycle lanes. In the words of the artist: “the past is full of smoke and the future presents itself with more renewable energies and better air quality”.

Wall Claim is an art program based on raising awareness about vulnerable collectives and nowadays social problematics. This task is done by an artistic intervention in the exterior wall of Centre Cultural La Farinera del Clot, which is renewed quarterly.

Always thankful to Centre Cultural La Farinera del Clot and Casal de Joves La Traca for their collaboration in the project and to Montana ColorsMontó Pinturas and Sant Martí District for making this event possible.

Photos: @pinkmercury