Terrassa Walls & Rebobinart
Terrassa Walls is an Urban Art dynamization project in Terrassa city. Through this project we want to acquire a compromise with the citizens, bring value and cultural interest to urban environment and at the same time foster the professionalization of the urban artists. Currently Rebobinart is collaborating with Terrassa Walls, giving support to the event.
From Wallspot we did launch an Open Call for all those artists who intended to participate in the Terrassa Walls JAM. Among all the registered people, the urban artist and Terrassa Walls member Anna Taratiel, also known as OVNI, choose a total of 23 artists. They had the chance to paint their free themed ideas in a wall of more than 80 meters long, which was provided by Adeas Homes. During the event some neighbors passed by to contemplate the art pieces that the artists were working on and at the same time discover the artistic and cultural project that is already part of their city.
From Rebobiart we want to appreciate the participation of all the artists, the collaboration of Wallspot, Terrasea Crea, Magneti Studio, Terrassa Arts Visuals, Monkey Energy Drinks and the neighbors association of Sant Pere Nord as well as the City Council of Terrassa, for all the support and helped this project to become possible.