Local commerce is always there: uniting art and local commerce in la Sagrera

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Photography: Toni Santiso

La Sagrera, Barcelona



At Rebobinart we firmly believe in the power of urban art to transform and revitalise our common spaces. It is in this spirit that we are proud to present “El comerç hi és empre” (“Local commerce is always there”), a unique artistic initiative in the heart of Sagrera that is part of the Barcelona City Council project Dissenyem comerç.

This project, promoted in collaboration with SAAC (Sagrera Activa Association of Trades), Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Design Centre and the prestigious design and engineering school Elisava, aims to merge art with local commerce to revitalise and bring life to the streets of our neighbourhood.

Through artistic interventions on the shutters of 25 local shops, “El comerç hi és sempre” seeks not only to beautify the neighbourhood, but also to tell the stories behind each establishment. Each shutter has become a canvas that reflects the essence and spirit of the merchant, creating a deeper connection between the businesses and the community.

Barcelona artist Jalón de Aquiles has captured his talent and creativity in each work, making each shutter a tribute to the shopkeepers who raise their shutters every day to offer the best to the community. This December we organised a special route through La Sagrera to admire these works of art, an event that was attended by the authorities and members of the organisations involved. This walk through the neighbourhood was not only an act of artistic appreciation, but also a celebration of the strength and community spirit of La Sagrera.

At Rebobinart we are committed to projects that, apart from beautifying urban space, also generate a positive social impact. “El comerç hi és sempre” is a perfect example of how urban art can be a powerful tool for social change and community connection. We invite you to visit La Sagrera to experience first-hand how art and commerce can come together to create a unique synergy.